The School Day
The School Day
Here is an outline of what your child can expect to be doing as part of our daily routine at school:
- 8:45am School opens
- 8:55am School day begins and register is taken
- 10:45am Playtime
- 11:55am Lunchtime
- 2:00pm Playtime
- 3:15pm School day ends
During the children's first full week at school the children will come into school at 9am and be picked up at 3pm. This is so that the children can be dropped off and picked up in a calmer playground and enables the children to get to know the routines for the beginning and end of the day.
We will be encouraging the children to come into school with Mrs Lowndes and will therefore ask them to wave goodbye to their grown ups and start the school day. When you come to pick up your children, please ensure that you wait for Mrs Lowndes or Mrs Smith to hand your child over to you.
Lining up
Waving Goodbye
Waving Goodbye
Learning in our Reception Class
The children in reception at Malvern Parish take part in a carefully planned, play based curriculum that enables them to learn by exploring. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of whole class activities, adult led focused activities and pupil initiated activities. Our Early Years Curriculum is supported by the statutory and non-statutory guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Department for Education and Skills). For more information, please have a look at the Malvern Parish Early Years Curriculum Policy below.
Snack Times
Children are encouraged to drink water regularly during the day and we ask that they have a named water bottle in school. If your child doesn't yet recognise their name, it can be a good idea to put a recognisable sticker on the bottle so that they know which one is theirs. No fizzy drinks, juice or squash please. Their water bottles will be kept in a special place in the classroom and can be accessed at any point during the day.
We encourage healthy eating at playtimes so a piece of fresh fruit or raw vegetable is encouraged. If your child is bringing their fruit in a pot then please ensure that it is clearly labelled with their name. The Government Fruit Scheme provides a piece of fruit for all Reception and KS1 children which they usually eat in the morning. They will enjoy their fruit from home in the afternoons.
During snack time at school the children will have the opportunity to have some milk. Milk can be ordered for all of the children and is free for children under 5. If you would like to order milk for your child, you will need to order online at Cool Milk. Please see the below form for more information.