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The Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors' section.

Chairperson: Ms Rachel Hill-Kelly

The Local Academy Board (LAB) has three core strategic functions:

a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff; and

c. Overseeing the financial management of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.

To meet these statutory obligations, the governors at MPPS work together closely as a team. We are here to support the school, the pupils, their parents and the local community. We all live in Malvern, and many of us have either children or grandchildren at the school. You will often find us in the playground and at school events, so please come and say 'Hello'.

While we hope it will never be necessary, should you as a parent or carer ever wish to make a complaint about the school, please be assured that it will be taken very seriously and will be investigated promptly. Every effort is made to resolve complaints as soon as possible. The Complaints Procedure can be found on the school website and the LAB wishes to stress the importance of following it. This will ensure the objectivity and independence of the Governing Body if, at a later date, it is necessary for them to become involved in resolving the complaint.  

Members of the Local Academy Board

Mr Martyn Bream     








Ms Catherine Clutterbuck     
Foundation Governor (Curriculum & Outcomes, RE & Spirituality)

I am a foundation governor and the LAB member with responsibility for Curriculum & Outcomes and RE & Spirituality.  I have a breadth of experience working with young people and in the education sector. I started my career in educational psychology and was a researcher focusing on the development of logic in young children. I then trained as a teacher and had a significant interest in teacher development. I was Head of Juniors as well as Head of Staff and Pupil welfare and development. I now work in the Higher Education sector as the PGCE course leader at the University of Worcester.


Ms Rachel Hill-Kelly   
Parent Governor (Chair of LAB, Health & Safety and Well-being)

I am a parent governor with two children at the school, and am Chair of the LAB. I also have a responsibility for monitoring Health and Safety and Well-being. I have always worked in the education sector, and am currently Assistant Company Secretary at the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. I am also a board member, trustee and honorary secretary of the Association of Higher Education Professionals. I have held various roles in governance, alumni relations and operations management at the Universities of Reading, Oxford and Birmingham. I have also taught in primary education.


Mrs Jenny Lowndes   
Staff Governor

I am very proud to be part of the teaching staff at Malvern Parish C of E Primary School and am equally proud to be part of our school’s governing body. My aim is to share my perspective as a member of staff and to use my experience as a class teacher to support discussions during LAB meetings. I am entering my 10th year of teaching at Malvern Parish, where my role has evolved from being the reception class teacher to the Early Years and Early Reading Lead. I particularly enjoy ensuring that all children and their families feel welcome and happy as they begin their school life with us, where our main aim is for them to flourish in all areas of life and to prepare them for an exciting future. I hope that my positive and enthusiastic attitude is beneficial to my  additional role as a staff governor.


Mr Peter O'Neill   
Foundation Governor (Safeguarding & Safer Recruitment, Prevent, Behaviour & Attitudes)

I am a foundation governor and I live in Leigh Sinton. My background is predominantly in policing across the West Midlands, having worked in Birmingham, Sandwell and Wolverhampton. I have also worked on secondment in Manchester and London. During my career, I had experience of multi-agency work including central and local government, NHS and education sectors. I have vast experience of safeguarding issues and, as a Chief Superintendent, had lead responsibility for reduction in guns, gangs and weapons.  Academically, I have a degree in Politics and a master’s in Business Administration (MBA).  Following retirement from policing, I had my own company concerned with ISO quality assurance and worked across several areas of the private sector. I am a committed Christian and attend services at Great Malvern Priory.


Mrs Rebecca Watson   
Parent Governor (Vice-chair, SEND & Pupil Premium and Early Years Foundation Stage)

 I was elected as a parent governor of Malvern Parish in July 2023. I currently have two children who are thriving at the school, one in each key stage.
I work as a benefits officer for South Worcestershire Benefits and Revenues Department and have over 20 years’ experience within local government. I am committed to my governing role and enjoy being able to help contribute to the continued success of the school and community.




Dr Nigel Webster   
Foundation Governor (Finance, Pay Review)

Having been raised in the centre of town, I attended Malvern Parish Primary School in the late 60s/early 70s and would like to acknowledge how happy I was at the school, with my Y1/Y3 teacher, Mrs Pratt, being the most influential teacher for good that I ever had. I trained as a research chemist at university and went into teaching myself, spending 38 years in secondary school education.
I am now working part-time, doing some support coaching for students who need a little extra help at A-Level. My wife and I have 4 adult children, and we are enthusiastic members of St. Andrew’s Church. 



Mrs Kathryn Pickering 
Clerk to the Governors








  • DOWMAT Articles of Association