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School Meals

School Meals

The children will have the option to bring their own packed lunch or they can take advantage of our hot school lunches. These are free to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Lunch orders can be made using the Black Pepper Lunches website. Please see the instructions below. Each day there is a meat option, a vegetarian option and a jacket potato to choose from as well as a choice of dessert, yogurt or fruit. The children will be encouraged to eat their dinner with a knife and fork, which could be something to have a little practise doing over the summer.


If your child is bringing their own packed lunch, please ensure that it is clearly labelled with their name. It is also a good idea to practise opening their lunch boxes before starting school in  September, as some pots and cling film can be quite tricky to open if you haven't done it before!


To begin with, children will enjoy their lunches with the support of Mrs Lowndes and Mrs Smith whilst they get to know our dinner staff. This support will gradually be taken away as the children grow in confidence.   

This is our lunchbox trolley and our water bottle holder.